With Gaia-X, the German federal government, industry and academia are striving for a high-performance, competitive, secure and trustworthy data infrastructure for Europe. Since the launch of the initiative in October 2019, several hundred experts have been working on the comprehensive European data ecosystem, while the first work outcomes came to the fore in 2022.
The eco Association continued to actively support Gaia-X in 2022. An important building block for the development of Gaia-X ecosystems was achieved via the project management for the Gaia-X Federation Services Project (GXFS-EU). Through its membership in the Gaia-X Architecture Board and Technical Committee, eco was also able to closely monitor and help shape the technical side of Gaia-X in 2022.

Gaia-X Roadshow highlighted the initiative’s added value for German companies
In order to further position itself on the Gaia-X topic, the eco Association also organised a Gaia-X Roadshow. In the 2022 schedules, eco toured Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt and Hamburg in order to engage the local digital economy in mutual exchange. Exciting presentations by our sponsoring partners and dialogues with leading experts from the Gaia-X universe rounded up the programme.
Gaia-X Federation Services: the OSS toolbox took shape
In 2022, under the leadership of the eco Association, the GXFS toolbox was stocked with open-source software (OSS) building blocks from the fields of sovereign identities, federated catalogue services, assistance for sovereign data exchange and compliance considerations. These building blocks form the technical basis for the development of a European data infrastructure, enabling more secure digitalisation and interconnection of various participants. More information is available here.
GXFS Connect 2022: eco Association hosted a successful evening event on the sidelines of the annual conference
As part of the GXFS annual conference “GXFS Connect 2022”, the eco Association and partners hosted a memorable networking event on the evening of the event’s first day. In addition to a panel discussion with eco CEO Harald A. Summa and eco’s GXFS Project Manager Emma Wehrwein, guests got to enjoy a chilled-out networking atmosphere. A German-language review of the conference and the networking evening can be found here.
Gaia-X set the tone at Cloud Expo Europe Frankfurt 2022
The eco Association’s substantial participation in the Cloud Expo Europe Frankfurt 2022 stage show enabled it to further drive forward the topic of Gaia-X. The topic was strongly represented in four panel discussions and a GXFS-DE booth at the eco joint stand.

GXFS-DE advanced communication measures
In 2022, the Project Management Office in the eco Association stepped up a gear in communication on GXFS-DE. Numerous videos made the technical project more tangible and a white paper, entitled “Gaia-X-secure and trustworthy ecosystems with Self Sovereign Identity”, provided technicians with an opportunity to have their voices heard. In addition, many other activities took place to publicise Gaia-X in Germany and Europe. The eco activities included various events, podcasts, webinars and communication measures, such as participation in the Gaia-X Summit.