eco Interaction Day

On eco Interaction Day, the eco Association opened the doors and gates of its branch office in Cologne-Ehrenfeld. Under the motto “eco connects – digitally and locally”, eco member companies and the digital industry employees gathered on 6 July for the eco Interaction Day. In addition to a full day of networking opportnities and an evening BBQ, eco used numerous info points and keynote speeches to personally provide information to attendees about current topics and opportunities for participation in the association.
On eco Interaction Day, the entire association could be explored on foot. The eco Competence Groups, initiatives, funding projects, services and partner associations presented themselves on the “Vulkangelände” grounds in Cologne-Ehrenfeld and around the eco Kubus. Numerous networking opportunities in the programme offered the chance to connect with other eco member companies.
All photos can be found in our Flickr Album.