Once again in 2022, the eco websites – particularly the association websites at www.eco.de and international.eco.de – were the digital hub for communicating our activities.
The breadth of activities, the expertise, and the degree of networking within the association are clearly displayed in these two websites. The aim of these websites is to present the activities, positions and offers of the association and its partners in their entire diversity.
An overview of content that is briefly spotlighted in social media can still also be enjoyed here after a longer period of time. The websites illustrate the continuity of eco’s work on the relevant topics and helps to shape these issues together with its members and partners.

Other websites include the international magazine dotmagazine.online, as well as a number of topic-focused websites operated or supported by eco:
members + Area
For several years now, all eco members have been granted exclusive and free access to “members+” the protected online area of the eco website. This area is intended to give eco members access to the added value of their membership and to inform them about innovations. The content and services are constantly being expanded to deliver all eco publications to members, and to increase the attractiveness of membership. Members can find the latest publications in the News+ section.
In 2022, the Webinar+ category was further expanded. Recordings of eco webinars and events can be accessed in this area. Members can view our recordings at their leisure and filter them according to thematic focus and view any Competence Group meetings they may have missed.
An overview of upcoming events is listed under the Events+ category. Members can take advantage of exclusive benefits and promotional codes for discounted or free participation. In the Downloads+ section, studies, white papers, guidelines and statements are published that are exclusively reserved for eco members. Information on the Annual General Meeting and previous years’ Annual Reports are also provided there.
Members who are interested in gaining access to the members+ area or have associated questions can contact members@eco.de at any time.