Datacenter Star Audit
The goal of the Datacenter Star Audit is the assessment of the performance of data centre infrastructure on the basis of an objective catalogue of criteria. The first ideas were mooted as early as 2005. A year later came the eco market introduction and, since then, numerous data centres have been certified with this independent assessment instrument.
In addition to the overall redundancy assessment of the data centre, the assessment also includes security aspects from the areas of Organisational Security, Structural Building Security, Supply Security and Technical Security. The assessment of the data centre is carried out according to predefined criteria and assessment matrices by at least two independent auditors. The audit is valid for a two-year period. After expiry of this validity period, the certified company must undergo a new audit. The customers of data centre operators benefit here from increased market transparency. The audit itself can be used as a basis for assessments by auditors, banks and insurance companies.

In 2022, the data centre of DMI GmbH in Leisnig was successfully recertified for the second time in the category “Single Site Audit”. In all individual categories (Redundancy, Organisational Security, Structural Building Security, Supply Security and Technical Security), 4 stars were consistently achieved, so that an overall result of 4 stars could be reached.
In addition to the certificate awarded in May 2022, initial preparatory talks were also successfully held for the recertification of other operators scheduled for 2023.
Further information is available at: international.eco.de/dcaudit