KI Bundesverband
Based on various projects, the eco Association and the German KI Bundesverband (AI Association) are extending their strategic cooperation, which they entered into in 2019. Together, they are shaping framework conditions for a beneficial and value-oriented application of artificial intelligence.
AI Innovation Service-Meister Project
Since the inception of the Service-Meister project, the KI Bundesverband has supported the initiative as an Associated Partner. In the project, the Bundesverband focuses on strengthening the economically key service sector through an AI-based ecosystem. Due to the digitalisation of machines and systems, services are becoming increasingly complex and, from a competitive perspective, the necessary quality and time can no longer be solely offered by individual service employees or even companies. For this purpose, an AI-based platform is to enable the digitalisation of service knowledge and thus the provision and easier distribution along the service chain.
DIN Steering Group Standardisation Roadmap on Artificial Intelligence
As is the case with the eco Association, the KI Bundesverband is also significantly involved in the development of standards for artificial intelligence as a member of the Steering Group of the Standardisation Roadmap on Artificial Intelligence, led by the German Institute for Standardisation (DIN). The Standardisation Roadmap on Artificial Intelligence is the first global exemplar of a comprehensive analysis of the status of, and need for, international standards and specifications for the key technology of AI. This not only takes the technical aspects of standards in AI into account but also, in equal measure, its ethical and societal aspects.
LEAM Study
As part of the German AI Association’s initiative on Large European AI Models (LEAM), eco participated as an author in the feasibility study “Large AI Models for Germany”. The study identified the prerequisites for developing AI applications in Germany – for example, large language models for chatbots. More than 80 per cent of the experts surveyed in the study recommend the establishment of an AI ecosystem and the development of fundamental AI models based on European values.